Join Us for Worship
10:00 am - Worship Service
11:00 am - Coffee Fellowship
11:15 am Sunday School
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God"In Colossians 3:16 we are encouraged to worship God with all our hearts and with thankfulness through singing hymns, worship, praises, and spiritual songs. At worship we read scriptures from the Old and New Testaments, hear the word of God proclaimed through sermon and extend an invitation to become Christ's Disciples. Through the observance of weekly Communion, we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and give thanks for God's redeeming love.
Christians worship both individually and collectively. It is the goal to worship with their entire lives, in all that they do. Additionallly, they are guided by God to worship with a pure and willing heart. Therefore, worship isn't confined to a specific place or time. Rather, worship is a holistic approach to life. Sometimes a Christian might best hear God speak to them while fishing in a lake or hiking in a forest. To strengthen a Christian's faith and understanding they may worship in God's house, hearing God's Word, with God's people at their side or they may be in their own home watching Sunday services on-line. Either way, we hope that you will join us, here at First Christian Church Garland.
Seasons of the Church
There are several special worship services that celebrate the cycles of the Christian year and provide opportunities for our church family to invite friends and neighbors to share in these memorable worship experiences.
Advent anticipates the coming of Jesus and allows us to enjoy the Christmas season with Christmas carols and scripture readings, a children’s pageant, choir cantatas and Christmas Eve candlelight services.
Lent gives us time to consider seriously our own inward spiritual journey by contemplating soulful devotions, engaging in special Bible studies, and experiencing important and meaningful worship services on Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.
Other favorite services are World Communion Day and All Saint's Day Sunday, where we honor loved ones who are gone from this world, but not forgotten.
Beautiful banners, designed and made by members of the congregation, decorate the sanctuary for these special seasons.
Our youth participate in the worship service several times a year.
Children's Worship & Nursery
First Christian Church includes children in every worship service. Children serve as acolytes and play a central role in worship by bringing the light of Jesus into our presence. During every Sunday service, one of the ministers invites the children to come forward for a children’s sermon.
Infants and toddlers may stay in the nursery on the first floor, Room 105, on the North side of the sanctuary. Child care is available for children ages 4 through Kindergarten. After children’s sermon, these children may go to the nursery.
Upon entering first grade, the children remain in the worship service with their parents. When appropriate, the Christian Education Ministry provides a transitional program for our first graders called “Welcome to Worship”. This program teaches them about our worship traditions and prepares them to fully participate with us in the sanctuary.