Music Ministry
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things!" - Psalms 98:1
Music ministry is a service to God that supports the sermon by leading the congregation through song and worship, providing the people of our community with joyful and prayerful experiences. Music communicates and expresses a sense of awe and wonder in the presence of God; it also leads our thoughts toward God rather than toward ourselves. Music is an integral part of life as it has the power to calm our souls, express joy, and praise God all at the same time. The significance of praise and worship is of profound importance in the lives of the children of God. The Bible makes references in several chapters and verses on the importance of songs, worships, and praises (all part of the music) in the church.

Ministry through music is a centerpiece of worship and fellowship at First Christian Church Garland. Our music offerings reflect our commitment to sharing the gospel of Christ through music in song, worship, fellowship, and special events. Our church is blessed to have gifted singers and skillful instrumentalists, both professional and lay musicians, who participate in our ministry week after week. The Chancel Choir is open to all who enjoy singing and sharing music and wish to enter a commitment to create music with others to share the glory of God. A wide variety of musical abilities are welcome in the Chancel Choir. This choir primarily leads worship at the 10:00 am worship service on Sunday mornings during the school year. We rehearse on Sunday mornings 8:30 am - 9:30 am. The Chancel Choir also performs a variety of concerts throughout the year. You can join by attending one of our regularly scheduled rehearsals. Whether you are a professional musician or just a music lover, we have a place for you!
Children's Choir
Children 4 years-5th grade are invited to participate in the Children's Choir. During the school year, the choir performs periodically on Sunday morning at the worship service. This group helps younger children to learn about biblical truths through songs, games, and activities.
Handbell Choir
Bells have been in existence for thousands of years, however handbells did not develop in England until the 17th century. The first bells in England were huge and found in church towers. They were used for change ringing, the art of changing the order in which the bells ring. Eventually, English towns began practicing change ringing with small, wooden handbells so they wouldn't disturb neighbors and to avoid the uncomfortable environment in the bell tower. It was in 1660 that the first tuned bronze handbell was cast. Small handbell sets were made to correspond to the bells in a specific tower.
As bell ringers began to realize the musical potential of handbells, semitones were added to form full chromatic sets, enabling performers to play familiar melodies. In the mid 18th century, group "tune ringing" was a favorite diversion in England, and soon nearly every village had its band of bell ringers. English handbells became a permanent part of the American scene in the early 1900s.
The Handbell Choir at First Christian Church Garland performs periodically in Sunday morning worship services throughout the year and on special occasions. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings during the school year from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Participants only need to possess basic music reading ability and a spirit of enthusiasm. Come join us!
Our Organ
The organ is located to the left of the choir area, with the pipes hidden from view, allowing the instrument to speak directly to the choir and the congregation. Organ music is an important part of the Sunday morning worship service. The organ is ideally suited to accompany human voices, whether a congregation, a choir, or a cantor or soloist.
Our Piano
On November 14, 2022 a new black 6'1" C3X Yamaha piano was installed in the sanctuary at First Christian Church Garland. In setting out to design the world's best grand piano, the designers of the C3X created an instrument that can truly sing, providing a clear sound with a clean attack, sparkling tone, and transparent harmonies, all encased in an elegant, flowing form. The new piano is located in the choir loft giving a better sightline for pianist, organist, choir and director as well as enhancing the piano sound in the sanctuary. The new piano will serve the congregation well for 50+ years. Our church has a rich history of truly beautiful music, and we believe the new piano will ensure a continuation of excellent worship music for generations to come! The piano was dedicated to God's glory in a Service of Dedication on November 20, 2022.