A Place to Meet
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." - Matthew 18:20
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) offers a place for groups (non-profit and schools) in the community to meet when the goals of the group are compatible with the goals and mission of the Church. We make specific rooms in the Church available to approved non-members as a witness to our faith, in a spirit of Christian charity, and as a means of demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in practice. Typically, groups seeking space have a church member sponsor. However, Church use will not be permitted to persons or groups holding, advancing, or advocating beliefs or practices that conflict with the church’s faith or moral teachings. Nor may church facilities be used for activities that contradict, or are deemed inconsistent with, the church’s faith or moral teachings.
Before making a request to use our space, please review the following guidelines:
The philosophy underlying the guidelines for building use is that all church facilities will be used to conduct the basic purpose and mission of the church which is bringing people to Christ.
Use of the church facilities shall be made in conformity with the church’s policies and procedures. The AA community and the Scouts have specific procedures outlined for their use of the church facilities.
The party using the facilities is responsible for the cleanup of personal items, to rearrange the room(s) back in the order to which it was found, and ensuring that group attendees cause no harm to the church and practice responsible safety precautions.
Regularly scheduled church meetings have first priority in building use. Other church related meetings have second priority. Outside non-profit or school organizations are eligible for building use when facilities are not being used by church groups and when their purpose is approved by the church, or their group is sponsored by a church member.
Only non-profit or school organizations can use the church facilities, profit making enterprises shall not use the church facilities for any purpose.
Currently, the Frohsinn Kappelle Band has regularly scheduled band practices at the church. In return, this band occasionally shares its music with the church during worship services.
A group of local small business owners meet weekly to strengthen relationships between other small business owners in the community.
All meetings must be approved via the church office, then placed on the church calendar.
All meetings must be approved via the church office, then placed on the church calendar.