Come Worship With Us!

10 AM Sunday Morning Worship

 First Christian Church Garland

                       115 South Glenbrook Drive  Garland, TX 75040

 First Christian Church Garland

                                 115 South Glenbrook Drive  Garland, TX 75040

 First Christian Church Garland

                                                          115 South Glenbrook Drive  Garland, TX 75040


Our Story

Our story is approaching 150 years in our community. Early settlers of Garland first met for worship in various homes. Between 1846 and 1848 the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, established churches in North Texas but records indicate that the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and the Christians were worshipping together at the Duck Creek School and served by lay preachers in 1858. Area development was delayed by the onset of the Civil War, but by the 1870s the town was recovering.

About 1875, a church was formally organized as Christian Church of Duck Creek and worship was held in the Duck Creek School. They met in the schoolhouse for several years. In 1884, the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad missed Duck Creek by one mile. A new township called Embree sprang up beside the railroad line.  In 1886 church members erected their own house of worship.

In 1888 the congregation purchased the land on the corner of Glenbrook and Avenue A and moved the wooden church building here. The two townships of Embree and Duck Creek incorporated in 1891 to become Garland. The congregation grew with the area. Between 1922 and 1924 a new brick building was erected (which still stands today). The congregation persevered despite the difficulties of the Depression era.

From 1954 to 1964 the church established two new congregations, Monica Park, and Western Heights Christian churches.

The church at the corner of Glenbrook Drive and Avenue A continues to thrive after 150 years in a time of contemporary mega churches, a trend toward watching church services from home, a dwindling of our older members, and a growing number of people who claim to not believe in God or better stated, do not know God.

"See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.  For this reason, the world does not know us, because it did not know Him." 1 John 3:1


Come, learn about God, and receive a pathway to the knowing of your Lord and Savior.