Our Church Leaders
We are a congregation in covenant relationship with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We have national and regional bodies. However, all decisions about the running of our local church are made by our congregation. We have a Board, Trustees, Elders and Deacons. Men and women may serve God and the church in whatever capacity that they feel called. We have an open communion table every Sunday, and all are welcomed to take communion with us. We believe in the importance of children and delight in the joy of children and honor the obligation to teach them and to show them ways to live happy, full lives and very much want them to be an open and integral part of the church congregation.
Our Church Leaders are nominated and elected by the congregation to serve the church in various ministry positions and responsibilities to include our governing church Board. Our Board is made up of members of the congregation who vote and make decisions about the church building, finances, and all the other day-to-day issues of maintaining a church. Board members then report to and discuss board decisions with the congregation as a whole. A person does not have to be a member of the Board to attend board meetings.
We ask our leaders to seek to do their best, to walk with integrity, to love our church family, to do the right things and create a culture that is honoring and honorable.

All Elders, in cooperation with functional Ministries/Committees and Deacons:
- promote the growth and welfare of the Church
- provide spiritual direction for members with respect to regular attendance at the Lord's Table on Sunday mornings
- serve Communion to Homebound members
- give thoughtful consideration to policies that will enable the Church to fulfill its complete mission
- encourage by example and word of missionary, evangelistic, educational and stewardship responsibilities of the Church
The Elders organize with a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson and meet monthly to confer with the Minister and his Associate on spiritual matters of the Church. The Elder Chair, a second year elder, and a first year elder are elected to serve on the Church Board each year.

All Deacons, in cooperation with functional Ministries/Committees and Elders:
- promote the growth and welfare of the Church
- assist with greeting and ushering worshipers
- prepare and distribute Communion
- receive Sunday morning offerings
- assist in financial campaigns
- participate in visitation projects
- prepare candidates for baptism
- cooperate in ministering to the needy and to families in time of sickness and bereavement
Prior to the year-end, the Diaconate meet and organize by electing a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the new year. The Chairman will be in charge of working out a schedule for the Deacons to serve on Sunday mornings. This list is to be drawn from the Diaconate and Junior Diaconate. The Deacon Chair serves on the Church Board.

All Church Leaders
All Church Leaders with functional Ministries/Committees, Deacons and Elders:
- regularly attend the services of the Church
- express a willingness to serve as a member of one of the functional ministries
- support the Church financially to the best of one's ability
- promote good will and Christian Fellowship within the Church family, strengthen the varied programs of the Church, and aid the Minister(s) and membership in making the total life and work of Church relate to the purpose of God as revealed in Jesus Christ.
- strive toward continual personal growth in Christian Stewardship
- strive for continual personal spiritual growth
- actively support the mission of the Church

Board Chair
The Board Chair plans and manages the semi-monthly Board and Cabinet meetings.

The Trustees hold legal title to the Church endowments and trust funds and have supervision over all endowments and trust funds as well as gifts made to said trusts or endowments or newly created endowments and trusts. In addition, they oversee all insurance coverage for both real and personal property of the Church and other matters relating thereto. They perform such duties as are delegated to them from time to time by the Church Board. They perform other duties as are required by the State of Texas.
The Trustees meet at least semi-annually, and the Senior Trustee acts as Chairman and also sits on the Church Board and the Executive Committee.

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."