Come Worship With Us!

10 AM Sunday Morning Worship

 First Christian Church Garland

                       115 South Glenbrook Drive  Garland, TX 75040

 First Christian Church Garland

                                 115 South Glenbrook Drive  Garland, TX 75040

 First Christian Church Garland

                                                          115 South Glenbrook Drive  Garland, TX 75040


Within the church there are many ministries which provide the opportunity to help members grow in fellowship and faith. These groups are also a source of friendshp and support in sharing life's experiences. We are a faithful, growing church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirtuality, and a passion for life. We are a friendly and welcoming people that offer a loving atmosphere where people can connect with God and one another.

Bereavement Ministry

Bereavement Ministry shares compassionate mercy with those who grieve the loss of a loved one through death, by assisting them with funeral service set-up, by ushering and serving in other roles as needed on the day of the funeral, and providing/serving a meal/reception for gathered bereaved family and friends.

As directed by the Pastor, the ministry assists the family in funeral arrangements, preparation of the funeral program, assessing and meeting other needs that may be experienced in the death of a church member.

Bereavement Ministry includes the pastoral staff, vocalists, instrumentalists, greeters, reception/meal coordinators and care groups.

Christian Education Ministry

It is the purpose of this ministry to develop an effective program of religious education for the congregation in keeping with the general objectives of Christian education.

Activities are planning and administering the educational programs of the Church, including church school, youth activities,  leadership education, Safe Church and CPR training, and distribution of Christian literature and fostering Christian home life.  

Christian Education works with other groups of the Church in planning community education programs such as Vacation Bible School and fun activities like the annual Trunk or Treat event. 

Christian Education also manages staffing and has oversight of the Church Nursery.

Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism committee's purpose is to cultivate a spirit of spreading the Christian gospel within the Church, then outward toward the local community.

This committee plans and administers evangelistic programs, compiles and maintains a list of prospective members, plans and directs special projects, and aids the Membership and Caring Groups Ministry in assimilating new members into church life.

Fellowship Ministry

Fellowship Ministry serves by nurturing the congregation, their families, and the community at large through meaningful fellowship experiences. The activities are a way for church members, family, and guests to bond with one another and grow together in Christian love. In turn, the congregation, their family, and guests enhance their worship experience and help build a community of believers. We plan and coordinate fun social events to deepen and extend Christian fellowship, encourage active involvement by those of all ages, interests, and backgrounds and promote an open and sociable environment. The team is also responsible for overseeing kitchen operations - keeping things organized, tracking, and purchasing kitchen and paper supplies, keeping an accurate inventory of kitchen and decorative furnishings, and replacing as needed. 

 Please consider joining the Fellowship committee. We welcome new members at any time. Volunteering can be for just a one-time event or come join us for all of our events. 

Membership Ministry

Membership/Care Ministry includes a variety of actions that bring encouragement, love, and assistance to those who may need it by:
  • Sending cards; greetings, congratulations, sympathy, and encouragement to members of the congregation. 
  • Giving care by preparing meals for families within the congregation who are experiencing a loss or other crisis in their lives. 
  • Providing visits to members of our church family and friends who are at-home unable to attend Sunday services regularly, who are hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility.
  • Welcoming new members to the church family by providing a name tag, assigning them to a Care Group, sending a welcome card and helping to assimilate new members into church life.
  • Maintaining a telephone network that allows the church to respond to a church member's needs in a timely manner.

Responsibilities are shared between Care Groups and Sunday School Classes. 

Outreach Ministry

Outreach coordinates the benevolent ministry of the Church. It functions as a contact point between the Church and various social and charitable agencies. We donate to many service organizations in our community. We also deliver baskets of food at Thanksgiving and shower families with gifts at Christmas. Our prayer is that God will use us to extend the love Christ to those in need.

Our work includes:
  • Planning and promoting a program of outreach education
  • Allocating the Outreach Ministry budget to the various charitable organizations
  • Enlisting support for outreach causes of the social agencies of the community, the nation, and the world.
See Reaching Out for a listing of our current giving to the community efforts.  

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee is entrusted with following primary responsibilities and others as they may arise, pertaining to non-ministerial employees of the Church, exclusive of an Minister of the Church:
  • Employ and dismiss non-ministerial employees of the church, as the committee in its discretion shall deem necessary and consult with the appropriate functional Ministry / Committee.
  • Provide assistance to all non-ministerial employees of the Church in cooperation with the Ministers.
  • Develop and maintain a current job description and job procedures for each position of employment, in cooperation with the proper Ministry / Committee.
  • Maintain a personnel folder for each non-ministerial employee.
  • Determine and enforce policies in regard to work schedules, holidays, sick leave, leaves of absence, vacations, special privileges or other matters relative to employment.
  • Review the Church personnel needs periodically and make recommendations to the Church Board.
  • Evaluate and maintain an awareness of job performance of each non-ministerial employee of the Church annually, in coordination with the appropriate Ministry / Committee or supervisor.
  • Review all salaries, compensation and other terms of employment for all non-ministeral employees, at least annually. Make recommendations for compensation adjustments to the Stewardship Ministry.

Property Ministry

Property Ministry ensures that the church is an attractive and comfortable place to worship. There is more to maintaining a church than outward appearance--many vital operations depend on the hidden electrical and plumbing needs behind the scenes. At First Christian Church Garland we have the added responsibility to manage historic property which combines preservation maintenance and holistic stewardship.
  •  Maintaining the Roof - ensuring the roof remains watertight and weatherproof.
  • Checking eaves and gutters as they protect the buidling from water damage.
  • Maintaining the walls - they highlight local craftsmanship from the time the building was built that requires special care and attention.
  • Checking for any structural problems with churchyard walls, pathways, memorials, and monuments.
  • Protecting the Stained Glass windows- keeping these priceless treasures for generations to come.
  • Adhering to a checklist for HVAC equipment, sinks, toilets, hot water heaters and pipes, appliances, lighting, electrical boxes, worn wires and cabling, carbon monoxide detectors, smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, Wifi Hubs, IT connections, etc.
  • Maintaining records and adherence to Safety Equipment Inspections.
  • Securing the building and the people within - checking all doors and hardware, installing new locks and keypads as needed.
  • Keeping security camera systems well maintained and in operation 24x7.
  • Ensuring floors and carpeting are in good repair. Replacing floor coverings as needed.
  • Preserving furniture, including wooden pulpits, tables, pews and cushions, and fixtures.
  • Maintaining the lawn, flower beds, playground area and parking lot.
  • Evaluating and prioritizing needed repairs.
  • Developing resources to determine cost effective and appropriate repair solutions.
  • Making recommendations for improvements.

Publicity Ministry

Publicity Ministry manages the church's website, digital board, Facebook, and Instagram as launchpads for people to explore key things to know about our church.

Our goal for this ministry is to promote God's gospel and the church. It is important for us to be mindful of our audience. We expect fellow Christians will be interested in the works of our church, however we want to also reach people who are in need of God's love and our prayers; those people who are looking for a church home or for just someone to "hear" them.

We want to ensure our content is current, accurate, meaningful, biblical, and often reviewed and renewed. We want to follow guidelines that honor privacy desires when posting pictures or content in public forums. We want to be truthful so we verify content before we post or repost. We want to stay aware of potential frauds and messages that do not edify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Publicity Ministry works closely with Pastors, Ministry Chairs, and the Office Administor to get our messaging out into the community. Statistical data, if available, is important to share with church leadership. 

Safe Church Ministry

The Safe Church Committee are the gatekeepers at our house of worship. First Christian Church Garland is committed to the protection of our congregation and children. We make every effort to provide a safe environment for all who enter here.

Volunteers and employees go through screening and receive annual training. All volunteers and employees are required to pass background checks and are not allowed to work alone with any child.

We have safety protocols which include, but are not limited to, property surveillance, emergency first aid for medical incidents, action plans for severe weather, and child protection.

Stewardship Ministry

Stewardship Ministry promotes responsible and generous Christian stewardship.

Our work includes: 
  • ​​​Developing within the membership an understanding of the meaning of Christian Stewardship.
  • Directing the financial program of the church so that it will not only supply the financial needs, but also provide a means of spiritual enrichment for each one participating.
  • Keeping the congregation informed on the Church's Stewardship objectives.
  • Planning and implementing the annual stewardship campaign.
  • Encouraging endowment for future development of the Church and its work worldwide.
Preparing the annual church budget, which includes; reviewing salaries and allowances of all employees, ministers, and contract personnel; reviewing requests of functional Ministries/Committees and proposing recommendations to the Church Board for changes as necessary.

Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry assists the Minister(s), Music Directors, Elders, Deacons, and other worship leaders in providing meaningful worship experiences and encourages personal and family devotional life.
  • Providing leadership for each part of worship including greeting/ushering, acolyte (lighting of candles), welcome to worship, music, communion & offering meditation, children's sermon, scripture reading, etc.
  • Providing leadership and planning for the physical components essential for the service such as; communion elements, candles, banners, paraments, artwork, florals - Easter Lilies and Christmas Poinsettias, Hanging of the Greens, etc.
  • Set-up for Communion by Intinction
  • Assistance with baptisms
  • Preparations for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Pentecost Sunday, World Communion Day, All Saints Day, Advent Sundays, Candlelight Christmas Eve service, Baby Dedications, etc.
  • Maintain orderliness of Sanctuary, Diaconate Room, Banner Room, Communion Prep Room, Acolyte Closet, Baptism rooms and closets.
  • Order and receipt of communion elements, candles, and other worship service related supplies.
  • Provide assistance as needed for funerals and weddings.