Stewardship Campaign 2025

Dear Member,

The gospel stories are about transformation. The work of God at work in the world. The Holy Spirit at work in the followers of Jesus. We celebrate transformation each time we gather around the Lord’s Table. Bread and Cup become for us, in some unique way, the presence of Jesus. We come to the Table wrestling with the complexities of life and leave with the simple assurance of God’s abiding love. The financial gifts we offer and place upon the Table become the resources for ministry and mission.

On September 22, we will begin a four week journey around the Table, considering how we are transformed by our encounter with Jesus in the gifts of bread and cup. We will learn how the stories that focus on the act of sharing at a table with Jesus inspire us to acts of generosity. Every Sunday a story from the life of Jesus will focus our attention on how God is at work in and through us. On October 13, we will have the opportunity as a community of faith to offer our estimates for the investment we feel led to make for resourcing the things God is calling us to do as God’s church. I hope you will be intentional about not missing a moment of the rich things God has in store for us at First Christian Church Garland!

There is another reason to mark October 13 on your calendar as a “don’t miss this day” event -- we will have an all church potluck lunch following worship.

God has done, and continues to do remarkable things with us. Your prayers and your participation are keys to helping us get to the next level of discipleship. We know that when the early church gathered, they did so with glad and generous hearts and that there was no need among them (Acts 2). We desire such a spirit to be among us. I look forward to seeing you around the Table, where each week Bread and Cup become Faith and Giving.

Rev. Cheryl Scramuzza
Senior Pastor

When Jesus abides in us, we act in Jesus’ love and bear the fruit of that love in generosity. Gifts received for our annual operating fund become ministry and mission. Thank you for your investment in what God is calling us to become.